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- Description
- Specifications
- Documents
- Exceptional water repelling qualities
- Increases short and long term protection
- Rapid flash time
- Maximum efficiency, minimum labor
- Contains no fillers, only pure active ingredients
- Easily removed by flushing
- Made in the USA
DAC-101 MoisÂture Guard was develÂoped to maxÂiÂmize perÂforÂmance in short and long term moisÂture disÂplaceÂment and rust preÂvenÂtion sitÂuÂaÂtions. Rejected parts due to markÂing is typÂiÂcally caused by excess penÂeÂtraÂtion of prodÂuct into ejecÂtor pins, cams and slides. DAC-101 MoisÂture Guard elimÂiÂnates this probÂlem entirely due to its rapid flash time. It preÂvents runÂning or dripÂping and does not induce conÂtÂaÂmÂiÂnaÂtion of any kind due to leechÂing or bleedÂing.
Brand:Â DAC Industries